Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Mommy, Daddy, and I went to my Oncologist today. He told us that the kind of lymphoma I have (can't remember the name of it, it's 3 long words) generally has only one tumor. Even if this was the only one, I will still have to go through radiation and chemo, but only about 6 rounds.
On Monday, we will go and get a ct scan and then a pet scan after that to see if there are anymore tumors. Of course, we're praying that was the only one; God's will be done.
My Oncologist wanted me to have blood work done so, one of the nurses had me sit in a chair and this really pretty, elderly, lady walked around the corner and she was wearing a really pretty outfit and I thought about telling her, but wasn't really sure. The nurse that was taking care of her had her sit in a chair next to me, so I said to her, "What a lovely outfit!" and she thanked me and told me it was very old and very inexpensive, so we talked whilst I was having my blood work done. When I got up to leave, I said to her, "Have a good day!" She said the same to me, and called me, "sweetheart" and said, "God bless you", so I said the same to her. Anyway, she was just a really sweet lady and I'm very grateful that God gave me that moment.
After we left there, we went to Starbucks, got some food from McDonald's, came home, and Mommy and I stayed for about half an hour or so, to eat, then had to leave again.
We went to my ENT Dr. so he could remove my stitches. He is SO nice! When he first told my Mommy over the phone that I had lymphoma, he started crying, too, and he said that he had already been on the phone talking to different Dr.s about me and he said that we're going to fight this and make me well. And, today, we kinda talked about it and he told us I would be in his prayers. He is just so sweet.
After leaving there, we went to Starbucks, took some of our supper from last night over to Tommy (we've been trying to save some of our meals for him lately, so he doesn't have to eat out so much), we then went to the grocery store (Mommy went in), and came home....and have STAYED home!

We heard thunder a couple or so hours ago and were hoping for a storm, but nothing came of it. This heat is a killer! I am so looking forward to Autumn!

Everyday is a gift from God!

Grace be with you.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Just Gonna Say It Once

Got the results back from the tumor and I have lymphoma. Going to the Dr. on Monday to talk about it.
This will be a rough road ahead of us, but I know I'm covered with prayer, which means the world to me. I don't want people to worry about me, instead, take up that worrying time and pray, because that's what helps. Worrying doesn't do anything.
As of right now, I'm not scared or worried. God knows what He's doing, even if we don't understand. God's plan is perfect.
I have love and support from all my family and friends, and many prayers.
No one knows what the future holds, but God wrote it so He knows it and is in control always.
For some reason, lately I feel stronger in my faith than, maybe, I ever have. What else can I do?  I can't sit around and worry about it, can't give up hope, won't feel sorry for myself, instead, I will pray for the Lord's strength for me and my family and friends to help us through this time.
God is Lord over all and He holds the universe in the palm of His hand. He knows the length of our days, for He wrote them.
God has given Dr.'s and scientists more and more wisdom with things like this. I pray someday there will be a cure, but I do not pray that only for myself.
I realize having a blog just out there in the world wide web doesn't mean much to people that don't even know you but, if you come across this post, will you send up at least one prayer for me? While you're at it, remember everyone else in the world with this disease, I know I'm not the only one, and pray for them. Thank you.

Grace be with you.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Hide Away In The Love Of Jesus"

"Hide Away In The Love Of Jesus"

 Come, weary saints, though tired and weak
Hide away in the love of Jesus
Your strength will return by His quiet streams
Hide away in the love of Jesus

Come, wandering souls, and find your home
Hide away in the love of Jesus
He offers the rest that you yearn to know
Hide away in the love of Jesus

Hear Him calling your name
See the depths of His love
In the wounds of His grace
Hide away

Come, guilty ones weighed down with sin
Hide away in the love of Jesus
The freedom you long for is found in Him
Hide away in the love of Jesus

Come, hopeless hearts, do not despair
Hide away in the love of Jesus
For ten thousand joys await you there
Hide away in the love of Jesus

Gonna get ready to go soon. These lyrics mean a lot to me and I wanted to share them with you. 

Grace be with you.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Tomorrow morning at 6:00, we will leave to get to the hospital by 6:30, and at 7:45, I will be taken back for my surgery. Apparently, this is usually an outpatient surgery, but my Dr. wants me to stay overnight, in which case, Mommy is going to stay with me.
Because I'm strange, I'm looking at it this way: the surgery is going to leave a scar, but I'm ok with that, because scars are cool. I don't encourage people to go and injure themselves for a scar, but if one has to have a surgery that will leave a scar in a place where people will be able to see it, don't fret, just keep in mind the scars are awesome and they'll make you look even cooler than before. (Not that I think I look cool already, I'm just sayin' YOU will look cooler!).
Honestly, the thought of the surgery doesn't really scare me, however, probably if I just sit around and think about it, I could cry, but there would really be no reason because I know I'll be fine, I know Jesus will be there with me, I know people are praying for me and love me, that's what matters to me. As I've said in the past, knowing that people are praying for me is one of the greatest comforts in the world.
I just feel sorry for my fam because, as Chris said, they're the ones that have to wait for at least 3 hours thinking about me and stuff, whilst I'll just be asleep and the next thing I know, it'll be over...and I'll have an awesome scar.
Another reason I'm not really worried about it is because I really like and trust my Dr., so, it'll be fine.
 It does seem kind of surreal though, that I'm going to have surgery tomorrow morning, but that's life and this is God's plan for me. We'll see what He does with it.

Have a blessed day!
Grace be with you.